Romance can easily wilt away and die when you have a house full of screaming children, dishes piled up like skyscrapers, and fatigue sets in as soon as the sun even thinks about setting. There’s only so much energy one can muster. Valentine’s Day in our house generally consists of heart-shaped pizzas, some homemade cards that profess undying “wuv” from children to parents, and lots of conversation hearts. Maybe, if we’re feeling crazy, a Valentine’s special on local programming.
It’s a pretty big deal.
I remember way back when, pre-kids, Kevin and I would plan these romantic dinners out, and I would go shopping beforehand to pick out something that I thought he would just absolutely love. We’d make reservations at one of the best restaurants in town, linger over a delicious meal, bask in the warmth of a bottle of wine, and just enjoy each others company for who knows how long.
It’s amazing how things change.
Now, we amuse ourselves with pictures like the above, and laugh for hours at the fact that Kevin looks a bit like a dessert stalker.
Our “big night” plans now include family movie nights where we ALL (literally, all 6 of us) cuddle on the couch under a blanket and happily escape into the (usually Disney) world of make-believe. We make fun food together that involves and includes everyone. I’m proud to say that we bond as a family together on a very regular basis.
But to be perfectly honest, sometimes I’m really excited when bedtime hits and I get my hubby all to myself for a little bit. It reminds me of all the reasons I fell in love with him to begin with. We just can’t necessarily do all the things we used to do – out to dinner on a whim, weekend trips here and there, a bed and breakfast if we had nothing else going on. NAPS. Oh how I miss naps. Just for fun. BUT…. we’ve found new and improved ways to show our love to each other. The main way being food.
Strange? Maybe. But it works out well for you, now doesn’t it? Not only have we brought you a ton of grilling recipes, but now we have a new romantic one to share with you! This dessert is not only quick and easy, but it’s really really good!
This was one of the fastest things we have ever prepared. It goes perfectly with any grilled meal – all you need is a little bit of fire left. If you so choose, you could make enough for it to be a family dessert. I wouldn’t recommend it though. Give some one-on-one time to your significant other. If you’re anything like us, sometimes that gets put on the back-burner. Make it a priority…just for today.
One day the kids will be grown and our house will no longer be filled with feet pitter pattering down the hallways, squeals filling the rooms, and artwork covering more wall space than we actually have. My sweet young children will have their own dates, their own significant others, their own plans that (gulp) may not include Mommy and Daddy anymore.
So for now, I’ll cherish every Valentine’s day that I get to spend with quality family time together, and getting Kev to myself after bedtime. One day in the not so distant future, it will just be the two of us again – returning to the world of dinner reservations and nights out. But for now it’s the 6 of us – all of us or none of us, and it’s perfect.

Grilled Banana Split
- 2 bananas cut lengthwise with peel still on
- a dusting of a cinnamon and sugar
- a few sprays of spray butter
- chocolate syrup
- ice cream
- whipped cream
- 1/4 cup of pecans
- fresh fruit of your choice
- Spray flesh of each of the banana halves with the spray butter. Sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top of that.
- Grill each side of the banana for 2-3 minutes.
- Serve with ice cream, whipped cream, pecans, chocolate syrup, and fresh fruit of your choice - we chose blueberries.
- Serve immediately - the ice cream melts fast on top of that grilled banana!
I grilled up some bananas about a week ago for the first time. Don’t know why I hadn’t done it sooner!