I have the World’s Best BBQ Brisket Frito Pie recipe and am willing to back that claim up! It will take some explanation and I will need to share a link with you but after you read through here I think you will agree with me.
That being said, you don’t always have time to make the World’s Best and so I am going to share a shortcut recipe that will be better than most Frito Pies that you have ever had.
What Makes This the World’s Best Frito Pie?
Frito Pie has three components:
- Fritos
- Chili
- Cheese
For the Fritos we are going to use the oversized “Scoops” because why would you ever use those dinky small ones?
For the cheese we are going to use shredded Cheddar. Sure, you can substitute Pepper Jack if it makes you happy.
For the chili we are going to use the recipe that won the Chili Cookoff World Championship.
Except we are going to make the chili even BETTER than the recipe that won the World Championship.
Sound like a plan?
International Chili Society (ICS)
The ICS hosts chili cookoffs throughout the season and holds a World Championship every year. Well, except for 2020 because 2020 sucked.
One of the wonderful things about the ICS is that they post the winning recipes on their website. That’s right! You can get the exact recipe for World Championship Chili right here.
ICS has different categories depending on taste. Traditional has no beans, Homestyle has beans and there is a category for Chili Verde. Pick your favorite style and run with it.
How We Make it Better
Under ICS rules the meat used for the chili cannot be pre-cooked.
We are not in an ICS competition so we can use whatever meat we want. And I want to use leftover smoked brisket.
You can take any chili recipe in the world and make it better by using leftover brisket. There is no argument. Smoked brisket makes everything better. By the way…this recipe also works with Tri Tip Chili.
Cook yourself up a batch of World Championship Chili using chopped smoked brisket, serve it over Frito Scoops and top with shredded cheese. It does not get any better.
Quick Alternative for Smoked Brisket
I don’t always have the time or ingredients to follow a World Championship recipe so I break out this 20 minute wonder instead.
Here is my cast of characters:
Williams Original Chili Seasoning is the BOMB.
Pair this up with Bush’s Chili Beans, RoTel Chili Fixin’s, Hunt’s Tomato Sauce and leftover smoked brisket and you are going to have an amazing chili ready to serve on top of your Fritos in just under 20 minutes.
Don’t hate me because this is so dang easy. Hate me because I am so good looking.
BBQ Brisket Frito Pie
- 2 lbs leftover smoked brisket chopped
- 1 package Williams Original Chili Seasoning
- 2 15 oz can Bush's Chili Beans
- 1 15 oz can Hunt's tomato sauce
- 1 Family Size package Frito Scoops
- 1 14 oz package shredded cheddar cheese
- Roughly chop the leftover brisket.
- Add the brisket to the chili ingredients (seasoning, beans, Rotel and tomato sauce)
- Heat the chili over Medium/Low heat, stirring occasionally.
- Let the chili reach a low boil and maintain for 10 minutes.
- Serve chili over Frito Scoops and top with shredded cheese.