We’ve posted a few pizza recipes, and I have had a couple of people ask for a pizza dough recipe.
Well, I must be honest with you folks, some of you will cheer at this, and others will groan. I make all my pizza dough…in my bread maker.
If you don’t own a bread maker, I highly recommend you get one. I don’t make much actual bread in it, but I make a crazy amount of doughs – pizza dough, pretzel dough, cinnamon roll dough, dinner roll dough – just a ton of stuff.
The actual bread that you make in bread makers I don’t really care for. But the dough – it’s amazing.
So, I have this recipe – it’s tried and true. I’m pretty sure I got it from breadmachinerecipes.com or something like that years ago, but I love it. I do switch it up sometimes and add Parmesan if I’m feeling cheesy, or garlic if I’m feeling…well, like adding garlic. But other than that, I stick with this pizza dough recipe. I have tried lots of others and this one works the best for me on the grill.
Another great thing about making this pizza dough is that you can freeze it! I usually make a double recipe and freeze the other half.
To defrost, just leave it out on the counter for a few hours. When it’s defrosted enough to play with, sprinkle a tablespoon or two-ish of flour down on a cookie sheet or a pizza pan and plop that dough down on top of it and cover with a cloth, the way you normally would. It’s a great little secret…that I just posted for the world to see.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If you have a different recipe, please let me know – I’d love to try yours!

Pizza Dough
- 3 1/2 cups flour
- 1 cup warm water
- 2 tbn active dry yeast
- 2 tbn honey
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/2 tsn salt
- Add the ingredients in as your breadmaker specifies. Set to dough setting.
- Once the machine has completed its cycle, take it out and spread it out on a greased pan. I let it rise again, usually on my stove top as my oven is preheating(so, make sure you are preheating your oven to 400 so your dough can rise again). Then add your desired toppings, and cook at 400 degrees for 20-ish minutes - depending on how brown you like your pizza.