Oh, how we love grilled cheese! All 6 of us eat it on a regular basis. And it only makes sense to transform the basic grilled cheese into an extraordinary grilled cheese. And MAN, do we have ideas for some unbelievable grilled cheese sandwiches. But we must start at the beginning.
These grilled cheese sandwiches are made with aged sharp cheddar (YUM). The thing that sets these sandwiches apart from your typical grilled cheese is
A. They’re actual grilled on a grill
B. They use Ellbee’s Butter.
If you EVER have any inclination to make things tastier, to impress the pickiest of palates, go with Ellbee’s. You CAN’T wrong. It’s actually impossible. We actually took this pile of sandwiches and quietly placed them in front of a group of 7 children 10 and younger. They inhaled every crumb in an animalistic way. My favorite part was one of the kids saying, “Why are these grilled cheese sandwiches SO good?” It was like a commercial, but in real life.
If you don’t have time to grill the grilled cheese outside, then at least use the Ellbee’s. I will never eat another naked Grilled Cheese again! Stay tuned for more fun ideas involving grilled cheese and of course, Ellbee’s. Better yet, let us know if you have a good idea for a “gourmet grilled cheese”! We would love to try making one of your recipes!

Grilled Cheese with Ellbee’s Butter
- Sliced Sour Dough bread - if you're slicing it yourself try to make them as uniform pieces as possible.
- Cheese of your choice - we used Aged Sharp Cheddar.
- 1 tablespoon of Elbee's butter per sandwich.
- Spread the Ellbee's butter on the bread - I usually let the butter come to room temperature before spreading it - that makes life much easier.
- Layer the cheese of your choice between the pieces of bread.
- Grill the sandwich in a cast iron skillet on the grill until the bread is toasty and the cheese is melted - usually 3-4 minutes on each side.
- Serve immediately.
Why is it that in all most every recipe you post you throw in this spice or that one that we can buy over the web. but you never tell us just what it taste like, I am not in the habit of buying something I don`t know what it`s like, for instance this Ellbees spice does it got a BBQ flavor or Asian or maybe it has a Tex-Mex, do you think you might give us a heads up before we spend all this money on the product along with S&H ?
You can buy it over the web! Here is a link to their online store: http://www.ellbees.com/store.php
Also, if you want to read how we learned about them, read this post: https://extraordinarybbq.com/ellbees-parternship-giveaway/
When you go there you will see they have 8 different “flavors”. So, you can put whichever flavor you prefer on each dish. LOTS of flavors would go well with grilled cheese, but I tend to use the Chipotle Herb because it gives it a little kick. I put some butter in a bowl, add the Ellbees of my choie, then spread that on the bread for the grilled cheese.
The sampler pack is really helpful because I love being able to grab whichever flavor I want for the dish I’m cooking. If you are grilling fish, you may want lemon citrus on hand. Pasta? Maybe Tuscan. Stir Fry? The Asain Ginger. Hope this helps!