We are a family of pizza connoisseurs. All six of us love pizza. Each of us has a slightly different taste profile, but, I’m just throwing this out there, mine is the best.
This pizza is by far, hands down, my favorite pizza ever. I will take this over Chicago style, New York, all chained pizza places. It’s the best. No restaurant can make something so yummy, because they can’t put the time and energy into making this caliber of a pizza for every single patron. Because if they were able to, then every person who ever ate at that restaurant would get this pizza. It’s just absolutely amazing.
I feel a little bit like Papa John’s when I say “we only use the finest ingredients”, but…well…we only use the finest ingredients. I have found some great doughs that are available to buy at grocery stores, or you can also make your own dough, like some of the ones we have featured.
In the summer time, we have our own garden. The most beloved vegetable we grow in our garden are the tomatoes. Fresh grown tomatoes are almost like candy; sweet, juicy and full of flavor. We usually have so many tomatoes in the summer time that there is no way I could possibly use them all at one. So I blanche them(boil them for about 1 minute in hot water), peel off their skins, and freeze them in freezer bags. Now I can have home-grown tomatoes all through the winter! I use them in pasta sauces, soups, marinara sauce, and, that’s right – MARGUERITE PIZZA!
We also grow basil. In our garden it takes off – and almost grows like a weed. The stalks can get up to 4 feet tall. It’s fantastic. I have flash frozen basil too. It works fairly well, but I would always prefer fresh basil over dried/flash frozen. Nothing replaces that fresh taste.
The cheese is also very important. You can’t just use shredded mozzarella on this pizza. It would be an insult. We get fresh mozzarella. The difference in taste using this cheese is remarkable. If you haven’t tried it, I recommend you do. Tonight, if possible
The last thing I will say about this pizza of perfection is you must grill it. I have tried just baking it, and it really just isn’t as good. Having the slight taste of smoke on this pizza makes a world of difference. It’s absolutely delicious.
So, you can ask my family members what their favorite pizza is, and they will have great opinions, I’m sure. But please, I beg you to try this one. It’s literally a slice of heaven.

Grilled Tomato Basil Pizza
- 1 Premade Pizza crust OR follow this recipe for homemade bread maker pizza dough
- 3 fresh tomatoes sliced
- 1 block of fresh mozzarella cheese
- 20 ish fresh basil leaves
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tsn olive oil
- Cook one side of the the pizza dough on the grill on indirect heat for about 8 minutes. Take it off, and layer the pizza with the olive oil, then the tomatoes on the cooked side of the crust. Sprinkle a little salt over the tomatoes to bring out their flavor.
- Add the mozzarella slices, then the basil leaves. Add a little more salt, and the pepper.
- Cook the pizza again on indirect heat until the cheese has melted(about 10 minutes).
This looks amazing Kevin! Hey I wanted to know if you have ever made a pizza entirely in a smoker. I finally got my Masterbuilt electric smoker yesterday and am excited to try your chicken tomorrow after the brine. But this weekend I am thinking pizza… nothing like the taste of a wood fired pizza! I am curious what temp to set the smoker to….
Absolutely I have! It’s glorious. I’d get the temp as hot as you can. I’m usually at around 350 or so. The pizza will get plenty of smoke in a short period of time. Crank that baby up, fill it with a mix of woods and enjoy the delicious results!